A self obsessed person who constantly posts everything in their lives on social media.
That new girl at the gym annoys me, she's a "LOOK AT MY LIFE".
When you go on a date with a women and on the second date you get her pregnant so you make a run for it.
On my second date I got my girl pregnant so I moved to Canada.
life is two dates and a dash
"Rich Life" is a clothing company created by designer/ entrepreneur Philly Nicks (Philip Nicholas Juan) in 2013.
"Rich Life" is now available in over 200 retail locations
A High-End clothing line, Created for the new money, care-free mentality, as they like to call Street-Luxury.
"Does it look like I give a shit, My Rich Life clothes, you couldnt afford this!"
People don't want new life breathed into something, they were happy enough with their old dysfunctional abnormal lives.
His/her old life was a life he/she was already happy with, and didn't need new life.
They hate on our odds of Benningfield junior sword laws is fucking everybody. By lbj as in Lonnie Benningfield junior ⚔️🗡.
ThooooBJsword life. By lbj as in Lonnie Benningfield junior 🗡⚔️.
If I had to choose.... It would beeeeee..... TO KILL GOD!
Hym "What is the meaning of my life? Says the Jordan Peterson plant... To kill God. That is all. But I'll take care of that when I'm dead. For now, I'll do what I'm doing now. Which is demonstrating to a charlatan that his life has no meaning. But only because it's funny."
Any grown man in real life who is emotionally immature.
Donald Trump, Adam Sandler, George W. Bush and Tom Green are a few examples of real-life manchildren.