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double rainbow

A "double rainbow" is a phenomenon of optics that displays a spectrum of light due to the sun shining on droplets of moisture in the atmosphere.

Wow! Look at that double rainbow in the sky!

by LoliYandere League of Legends December 31, 2016

double rainbow

A double rainbow is a phenomenon of optics that displays a spectrum of light due to the sun shining on droplets of moisture in the atmosphere.

"Woah, that's a full rainbow, all the way. Double rainbow, oh my God."

by Mr.Sir.Dude September 26, 2016

Double dick fondue

When one man packs fudge from the back and the other cracks nuts from the front they rotate rinse and repeat.

Bro my d*ck’s itching after that double dick fondue

by FrostyDaDopeMan January 21, 2024

Galveston Double Decker

The act of two people pooping on the same toilet at the same time.

Typically, this requires one person to sit on the toilet seat like normal, and the other person to sit on the lap of the first person, using their legs as a typical toilet seat and aiming for the whole between said legs.

There is nothing gay about a Galveston double decker

“It was an emergency, and there was only one toilet available, so we pulled off a Galveston double decker”

by HankFinkle January 18, 2024

Galveston double decker

The act of two people pooping on the same toilet at the same time.

This typically requires one person to sit on the toilet seat as usual, and the second person to sit on their lap, using the legs of the first person as a toilet seat and aiming for the gap between the legs.

There is nothing Gay about a Galveston Double Decker

“It was an emergency and there was only one toilet, so we pulled off a Galveston Double Decker”

by HankFinkle January 18, 2024

double joe


He rolled a double joe.

by July 19, 2022

Double Typo

A Double Typo is when someone uses a typo twice in the same few letters/words.

Saying prObiotic rather than prEbiotic is a double typo, as you both missed the e key and hit the o key in the same space, making is probiotic not prebiotic.
another is spelling double typo as duoble tpyo.

by why is cummy already in use May 17, 2021