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someone you don't have.

aw man ): my friend is dead

by yeet5667 October 29, 2019


A person that wants you dead and is secretly stalking you and getting paid in your taxes

My friend is over there and he's standing there... MENACINGLY!
That's what friends are for.

by Anonymous User 6942066691113 April 20, 2022


A person who cares about another person in an unromantic way.

You're such a good friend!

by THEBANGTAN October 26, 2019


say they are your friends but fail to include you in anything and treat you differently. #yassqueen

yeah theyre my friends

by faevenareyou February 10, 2020


A friend is something that you don't have.

Get 👏 some👏 friends 👏

by FriedNapkinsOfficial November 26, 2019


what is that?

don’t know what a friend is

by ei’m rydydudf June 3, 2020


never get friends
they will be your doom
dont trust friends
NEVER trust friends
friends are boolisheet

fuck you, i trusted you alot but you betrayed me!!! weren't we friends?

by susilysus December 5, 2021