A fat ginger that goes on rants about dumb stuff usually named Landon
Landon is such a dumb fat ginger he makes no sense sometimes
When you are hungry but the food or the person offering the food is not appealing.
I’m not hungry for salad but 3 slices go down easy..... fat girl hunger strike
When you’re husband brings home pizza for dinner but he pissed you off this morning so no .... fat girl hunger strike
When a bitch offers you a cookie but you hate her so no ...... fat girl hunger strike
A fat nigga who eats too much fried chicken and watermelon
this big fat nigga just stole my fried chicken
when you cough and sneeze at the same time
wtf is wrong with you?
I just had a fat ceeze
A new trendy way to describe Emily Goodyears angles
Can you smell that big fat turd from fezzy
When u more fat Than Kim jong OOF
Guy: bitch u ultra fat
Girl: no u
a 600-pound person usually a white woman an annoying principle with a decoration in her office that says "i would quit chocolate but im not a quiter". she decided tarmac only recess will happen when snowing even though other schools dont have that. she is either trying to form a hellscape or is dumb af
wow our principal is a dumb fat principal