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cratch hole

The female anatomy including the crack (butthole) and vagina (vagina hole).

"Hey Tricia, I got sand in my cratch hole when I had sex on the beach with lanky Larry."

by Cdubs2015 August 26, 2015

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search hole

Googling things and following link after link after link endlessly, seemingly falling into a black hole of tangents.

I was supposed to be researching space robotics then I started reading about neurophysiology in space which led to a brain atlas with links to articles about the ventral prefrontal lobe and then I found this blog post about neuroimaging in that area and a debate about science journalism...hours later I realized I was in deep in a search hole.

by salmonberry June 23, 2007

kill hole

A hole, usually in a wall, which is used for the act of shoving a gun through and waiting patiently for a passerby to come to his and or her ultimate demise

Man, I swear I never thought I'd get the chance to see someone walk past a kill hole

by Maxlex181 April 12, 2016

The hole punch

While fingering a female one makes a fist and slams it into the pussy.

Person 1: Hey bro why is she walking like that?
Person 2: u didn’t hear?
Person 1: no what happened?
Person 2: she was getting fingered all of a sudden bam she got “the hole punch”. Shit came outta nowhere.
Person 2: she has been walking like that for 2 weeks!

by Stickyicky42 January 12, 2021

Wookey hole

Another name for vagina, also a series of caves in South West England.

Nick: why did you break up with Mal?
Stella: because he stuck his cock in Haz's wookey hole
Nick: I see. I guess that's why she's called Haz - because everyone has.

by RandyRhoads84 December 22, 2020

Green Hole

The result of letting your anus sit in a damp room and grow mold and fungus. The act of having sex with a green hole is green holing.

A green hole can also be achieved by letting a guy with gonorrhea cum into your anus.

I have a dick infection cuz my GF wanted to try green holing. But her green hole was so tight and the mold got in my dick.

by matemoscas October 4, 2016

sheep hole

A person who is being fucked or manipulated unknowingly despite their sensing that something is wrong.

An extension to the word "sheeple" ("sheep" plus "people"): Those who follow trends blindly, or those who follow their shepherd and flock mindlessly. But in the case of "sheep hole" they follow blindly despite getting fucked.

I accept that the people at this firm are sheeple, but Marie's team in particular turned out to be real sheep holes.

by Levi Sawyer May 5, 2011