Source Code

Y. Laa

What you say after doing, or watching someone do, something stupid/lame.

"Y. Laa" = "You Lame Ass"

You and a group of friends witness someone doing something stupid and you all shout, "Y. Laaa!!!" at him but he doesn't know what it means or know if you are shouting at him or not. (Lots of fun.)

by Crystal Eve August 24, 2007

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michael Y

A fat nigger who eats shit and pussy sundae all day. God who rules all dickheads and sucks dick for a living. Loves to eat sacks but not the balls. Salty as fuck/

Is ur name Michael Y?

by jadkdsadasad January 31, 2017

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Adjective describing someone who is very worried about contracting COVID-19 and takes extra/over-the-top precautions.

Wow, she's so COVID-y

by sjahan26 October 2, 2020

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When chicken tastes a little too much like chicken.

Megan: "I don't know why but for some reason chicken has tasted a bit chicken-y for me."

by WhatAChad April 8, 2020

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Generation Y

Mapping out Generation Y's placement would put its members' formative and adolescent years through the late eighties until the millennial bug brouhaha of 2000. Generation Y represents the juniors of the MTV Generation (See entry), who by and large grew up influenced by the youth culture movement of the 80's and early 90's, further encouraged through a savvier approach by broadcast media (through film, TV, music, and literature) to promote talents, showbiz, and commercial ideas. The age of household Internet access in the 90's allowed Generation Y to initiate and sustain the convergence of broadcast media content with accessible information.

As Generation Y kids were introduced to the World Wide Web through basic dial-up Internet, so did the shaping of their lifestyles and approach to socialization. These were significantly influenced by online connectivity's relatively primitive Etiquette in technology and the inevitable results of self-discovery by the users who were interacting online. These formative years of Internet technology was coincidentally the formative years of Generation Y members. Online etiquette and protocols of social and legal interaction were yet to be fully established and formalized and it was during this period that much of the landscape of the Internet was influenced and shaped by how Generation Y used the Internet as a platform for communication.

Leave Generation Y alone, they don't belong with Generation Z brats.

by CommandereON January 12, 2018

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Will-y Power

A man's ability to control the urges emanating from his genitalia and not let them overrule rational thought.

She was hitting on me so hard, knew I could have easily taken her back to mine, but used my will-y power to tell that fugly bitch to fuck off.

by blinkeythefish February 8, 2011

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eating at the y

Slang for bringing a sandwich to the YMCA to enjoy after playing basketball.

"Want to go grab a bite down the street?"

"Nah, I brought something so I am eating at the Y."

by Johnny Eightball June 11, 2004

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