Deep rat
"Hey Hope"
"What's your gender?"
"Deep rat"
One who possesses the ability to be a sneaky and silly person. This person typically personifies Remi from the movie ratatouille, a unique and special creature with a passion to do something great. This person also needs a certain high pitched squeaky laugh that incorporates the sense of ratness. Over all this person needs to be a concerning individual with a essence of uniqueness to the human eye.
Someone: I can be such a little devious rat sometimes
Other person: You devious critter 💀💀💀
When a professional wrestler sell's to the crowd. But actually is scanning the crowd for the opposite sex
After a giant clothesline from Okada, Karl Anderson spent 30 seconds leaning over the top rope trying to gather himself but was actually doing a Rat Pivot.
An insult that is the combination of calling someone one a rat and cat, which makes a combination of an even more effective insult.
Hilly: Sorry, I ate your lasagne from the fridge this morning
A guy with rodent-like features, often a skinny brunette
"I'm attracted to Alex Turner"- Maria Galimberti
"Really? But he's such a rat man"
When a tampon is left in the toilet and swells up to the size of a rat, with the string resembling the tail. The more blood the better to complete the illusion.
Her: I had to rush out of the house to work this morning
Him : I could tell by the shot rat you left for me to flush