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on the band shortbus

Like the more well-known saying, "to be on the bandwagon", but it is used when one likes a band before they become cool.

Steve: "I see a lot of little kids like Green Day these days."
Mark: "Yeah, they're all jumping on the Green Day bandwagon now. But us two, we were on the band shortbus. We got "39/Smooth" when it first came out."

by Regina Misanthropia August 2, 2009

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jazz band

a place where people get high on oranges dipped in vodka while on a trip to reno

"I wanna get jazz band high today!"

by wassupese October 9, 2012

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Marching Band

The one hard, time consuming, learning experience that you wait all year for. Spending time with the boys, laughing at the trumpets, being molested by the low brass, never hearing the Clarinets. And making up stupid inside jokes and Callbacks. Hearing the phrase "Alright, one more time and we can have a water break! " from your director. But you never care. You enjoy it.

Why is the Football team on the Marching Band Field?

by Rawrnickasaurbree October 27, 2011

14๐Ÿ‘ 6๐Ÿ‘Ž

da band

Most fakest addition to the Bay Boy record label. Also known for having the corniest raps and trying to be gangsta when in truth, most are wankstas or diva bitchez

Da Band is so gay that I'm hiring a hitman to kill them each indivually

by Rikki January 6, 2005

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Band Freaks

There is no such thing as a band freak, you must have them confused with band geeks

The group of teenagers walking through the halls singing band music in four part harmony are not band freaks, they are band geeks.

by oddpercussionist June 23, 2011

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Garbage Band

A Parody Of the Best Daw Garage Band .

I used to use Garbage band To produce but now i use disableton

by Spranxzz July 3, 2018

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Band kid

The typical cringy kid of every class

person 2: bro who the fuck is person 3?
person 4: hi guys
person 1 and 2: hi person 4!
person 3: *fucking explodes*

by Youlookingfinemydude December 14, 2022

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