The act of inserting ones penis into the vagina, then into the anus, then back into the vagina.
Goddamnit Joshua, I told you to stop hole hopping! Now my ass and coochi are going to be sore!
A rip, tear, or hole in the inner thigh or crotch area of female pants, usually brought about by constant wear.
I just bought a new pair of pants and the fabric is such crap that I'm already starting to get an access hole in them!
A hole, usually in a wall, which is used for the act of shoving a gun through and waiting patiently for a passerby to come to his and or her ultimate demise
Man, I swear I never thought I'd get the chance to see someone walk past a kill hole
While fingering a female one makes a fist and slams it into the pussy.
Person 1: Hey bro why is she walking like that?
Person 2: u didn’t hear?
Person 1: no what happened?
Person 2: she was getting fingered all of a sudden bam she got “the hole punch”. Shit came outta nowhere.
Person 2: she has been walking like that for 2 weeks!
Another name for vagina, also a series of caves in South West England.
Nick: why did you break up with Mal?
Stella: because he stuck his cock in Haz's wookey hole
Nick: I see. I guess that's why she's called Haz - because everyone has.
The result of letting your anus sit in a damp room and grow mold and fungus. The act of having sex with a green hole is green holing.
A green hole can also be achieved by letting a guy with gonorrhea cum into your anus.
I have a dick infection cuz my GF wanted to try green holing. But her green hole was so tight and the mold got in my dick.
A person who is being fucked or manipulated unknowingly despite their sensing that something is wrong.
An extension to the word "sheeple" ("sheep" plus "people"): Those who follow trends blindly, or those who follow their shepherd and flock mindlessly. But in the case of "sheep hole" they follow blindly despite getting fucked.
I accept that the people at this firm are sheeple, but Marie's team in particular turned out to be real sheep holes.