Source Code

Ray Charles

To place a testicle on each eye of a girl, then shit on her face, making her both brown and blind.

I jumped right on her face and Ray Charles'd her.

by johnonymous g April 11, 2008

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ray charles

an altered strikeout. its when you do a line of coke, take a bong rip, chug a beer, take a shot, and then exhale. by the time your done, you will look like ray charles did when he played piano

my friend and i both did a ray charles last night, we were so smacked!

by google translator November 26, 2008

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Charles Dickens

When you bored as fuck reading a Charles dickens and you want to go bang your classmate

Oswald: dude this book my Charles dickens is so fucken boring
Gertrude: ya this shit sucks wanna go Charles Dickens in the bathroom
Oswald: yes Gertrude nothing would make me happier

by I_have_Lupus_7 February 25, 2019

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James charles

james charles

James charles is a faggot

by daddy101bitch July 3, 2020

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james charles

a gay guy that is popular on youtube who tricked straight guys to have sex with him

james charles's career is fucked.
No one likes james charles.
Tati is right about the real james charles.

by lolgangangmf June 27, 2019

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james charles

someone who will convince you you’re gAy.

james charles: hI SiStEr LeTs fUcK
man:i’m straight
james charles:tRuSt mE yOuR nOt

by fuckmeontuesdays August 25, 2019

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James Charles

James Charles was a famous YouTubed who everyone loved and made his own palette that a lot bought but then Tati happened and he explained everything and lost a lot of subs and still going

James Charles will not be loved for a long time

by Nat2003 May 16, 2019

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