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corn nuts

A tasty snack invented 1936 as a beer accessory. Some really unintelligent red necks believe that corn nuts are in fact, a nut, when realistically- they are deep fried corn... many individuals who confuse corn nuts as actual nuts, also believe that ONLY peanuts can be made into a nutty butter form...
these individuals are called sean's.

"hi my name is sean"
"oh, in which case, you must know nothing about fine road trip cuisine ..specifically corn nuts"

by EmilyLouiseCW February 19, 2008

14๐Ÿ‘ 6๐Ÿ‘Ž

piss corn

A very fun way to pass time with your friends and loved ones, but illegal in at least all countries.

1: Take a cooked corn cob
2: Use a syringe to remove the fluid from all the kernels
3: Replace fluid with urine
4: Throw urine-filled cob at an ambulance

Remember, the ambulance is the most important part. If pressed for time, the corn can be boiled in urine instead of having its fluid replaced manually, but this requires a large quantity of urine.

"Hey, Bob, you still getting refills on that Mountain Dew?"

"I sure am!"

"How's about we take that as an advantage to go piss corning with Larry, tonight?"

"Sounds just spiffy!"

by Hotels March 19, 2009

20๐Ÿ‘ 11๐Ÿ‘Ž

corn palace

(n). A seedy asian massage parlor which gives full body massages. In particular, this includes a massage of the anus and is often administered using only the tongue.

That bitch's breath stinks; I think she works at a corn palace.

by tdude June 3, 2007

38๐Ÿ‘ 25๐Ÿ‘Ž


To get bonked in the butt

George W. is cornholing the country!

by Anonymous June 27, 2003

92๐Ÿ‘ 70๐Ÿ‘Ž

pwn corn

The better version of popcorn. Not only does it taste better, it pwns too.

Doug: Hey can I have some pop corn?
Brand: I don't have any pop corn, but I do have some Pwn Corn
Doug: Alright!

by Tim Osmond November 29, 2006

46๐Ÿ‘ 32๐Ÿ‘Ž

Corn Packer

A derogatory term for a gay Iowan, per Stephen Colbert.

Never get caught with your pants down in a Des Moines rest stop because you have to watch out for corn packers.

by blitzix September 24, 2010

138๐Ÿ‘ 112๐Ÿ‘Ž

corn nigger

a person of native american descent, usually used as a derogatory term, is a compound noun of "corn" and "nigger". "Corn" refers to the food source cultivated by most Native American tribes in the Southwest United States.

That corn nigger's drunk again.

by 20-twen March 25, 2007

44๐Ÿ‘ 30๐Ÿ‘Ž