When a man or women wishes to describe a statement as a fact
"My man cactus I love him that's a fact-us" Rapper chris "crispy" monk wishes to describe his love for a friend as a fact
A non-malicious and unknowing lie. A piece of information that may loosely resemble the truth but leaves the listener with obvious suspicion. Often circulated by those with names starting with the letter J
Jansynn: Did you know all dogs are born with ADHD?
Ethan: J fact! J fact!
n. Person more concerned with the truth of a statement that with the impact of the statement. These concrete-thinkers are often undiagnosed schizophrenics unable to see the big picture.
This new health-care plan will make America great again!
Tens of millions will die needlessly. In horrible pain.
"Great again!" Are you deaf? Are you a fact-tramp working for the filth at CNN? "Great again!!!" With four exclamation points.
When someone thinks they know all about a topic, but they really end up telling lies to seem smart.
"Kyle was talking out of his ass yesterday with all his ignorant facts about politics."
When someone on a forum or chat room points out, redundantly, something blatantly obvious, only to show off how hip and up to date they are.
Seen if before.
Stupid thread is stupid.
srsly, is not new thing
Pointless fact is pointless.
The art of telling a true sounding lie. Originally done by Tyler Footpenis
Hey Wayne, did you here that Tyler Fact earlier?
I did, you mean the one where it takes the same strength to bite through a carrot as it does a finger.
A person employed to keep facts in check by publishing declarations that the truth is false and that falsehoods are true.
The claim that Colonel Sanders stole his recipe is a completely fabricated falsehood. That's why the fact checkers at Snopes declared that the claim "alludes to a deeper truth".