Person 1: I got just my high school diploma!
Person 2: Cool, what are you gonna do with your life?
Person 1: I don't know school didn't teach me how to evaluate my options
The basically pointless system of getting useless information into small children's head that really do not want to know this. School makes no sense.
E.g Toilet Pass Systems, Specific Weatheral Uniforms, Toxic Teachers They Can't Afford To Fire So They Keep Them, Classes We Don't Need In The Future, Nonsensical Punishments For The Kids, (and more)
School is completely disposable.
The thing that will fuck you up the ass for the rest of your life.
Boy, school really fucked me in the ass today.
L-Lives wasted on unknown knowledge.
Example of the stupidity of teachers in schools these days
Teacher: Tell me an example of a creature who can live on land as well as water?
Student: Frog
Teacher: Good. But give me another example, please
Student: Another Frog..!
The place that parents send their children to were their rights as humans are stripped from them.
In the moronic cesspit that most refer to school, teachers (who only care about money and time off ) shove random shit down your throat that you’ll never remember and hand out punishment if you speak out. The people they call teachers enjoy pretending they care about your mental health and well-being when really they don’t give a fresh fuck. They convince the world that they care about the education of children, and have been fooling parents since it’s invention in 1635. And as if 6-7 hours of painful torture wasn’t enough, they send you home with more pointless crap to do instead of following your passions.
Dead-ass, if school does anything other than stress people out then let me know
a hellhole where kids have to spend their time going to for a big chunk of their lives, in order to learn useless crap, while at the same time getting harassed, bullied and picked on by stupid kids and being yelled at by stupid pathetic teachers.
John: I hate going to school. There are too many stupid asshole kids there. I want to quit.
Joe: Well, you've got to put up with it and stay in school so you can get a good job at the end, unfortunately.