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You’re beautiful

Veronica Sawyer says this to tell someone they’re being fake, and full of it.

Courtney: “If I got that money, I’d give it all to the homeless. Every cent.”

Veronica: “You’re beautiful”

by Phoeboop October 6, 2018

30👍 5👎

Beautiful Freak

A fan of the band Hot Chelle Rae. Beautiful freaks are one of the nicest fanbases around, unlike the dreaded Directioners.

~Also known as Fire Starters~

Interviewer: So what's it like, being a Beautiful Freak?
B.F.: Oh, it's the best. The bandmates love us just as much as we love them.
Interviewer: So it's a good fanbase, then?
B.F.: It's more than a fanbase - it's a family.

by SwagAndYoloAreDumb November 6, 2012

12👍 1👎

unconventional beauty

Somebody who's appearance does not conform to conventional beauty standards, but can still be considered attractive.

lily cole is an unconventional beauty

by Cadet Ruby March 20, 2019

14👍 1👎

thing of beauty

what you say about anything that is favorable, appealing, ..... or just plain nice.

Manny: "The Patriots won the Super Bowl!!! The Patriots won the Super Bowl!!!"

Marcus: "I know...thing of beauty, my friend."

by SlimShady February 1, 2004

46👍 9👎

Beautiful Hated

Being hated, persecuted, and neglected because one is beautiful.

Antonym: Truth, Love, Beauty

Exotic beauties are among the first to be Beautiful Hated.

by Alina Orlova 3 May 8, 2009

29👍 5👎

bloody beautiful

Something thats is just so good

“How good is this chicken parmy!?”
Aww it’s bloody beautiful mate”

by Ayydd May 13, 2018


A person who is like keagan Stubbard and is a an absolute beauty like keagan

Keagan is a huge beauty

by HUGE BEAUTY October 4, 2020