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Megan Harris

Someone that is beautiful and has curves of an hour glass has beautiful eyes and is a great person to be with and be good to share the rest of my life with

Megan Harris is Beautiful

by D.Adams November 28, 2011

11๐Ÿ‘ 10๐Ÿ‘Ž

Megan and Joel

The perfect couple.

Man: Dude, Megan and Joel are definitely gonna get it on
Dude: I know man, they're so good for each other!

by The Dude number 1992 February 14, 2009

17๐Ÿ‘ 18๐Ÿ‘Ž

dirty megan

When your girl leaves a snail trail on the floor on the way to cleaning up the after math of sexy time.

I was exhausted after those 4 long minutes of intercourse...making my way to the bathroom I slipped in a dirty megan.

by DVS_MAGGOT March 25, 2020

83๐Ÿ‘ 125๐Ÿ‘Ž

Kurtis and Megan

If you have a "Kurtis and Megan" relationship this clearly means you have been though it all. the good, the bad and the down right ugly. Alone Kurtis and Megan can be stubborn hard headed people who are both stunningly attractive and have strong personalities. they refuse to take crap from anyone and will not only stand up for them selves but for others when need be. together these two are a power couple. their heads may clash but in the end they know they rather be together than alone. perfectally perfect for each other these two are God's definition of best friends. they talk for hours about nothing...sometimes even make cat noises at each other, it doesn't matter what the situation is they always make it fun. two peas in a pod that come together to make one great bean. all megans are lost with out their kurtis'. true love incarnate, these two need to stay together through the test of time and show that true love does exist.

Megan: Hey Kurt!
Kurtis : meow!
Megan: awwww :) come here so i can rub ur ears!

Megan: Kurtis! :) i just wanted to let you know that I love you dearly and feel so blessed to have you apart of my life. without you at my side i question whether life is worth living but every time i see you i am reminded yes life goes on...always be my best friend...and lover?

Kurtis: I wouldn't miss it for the world...i love you too so much Megan! :)

Kurtis and Megan are perfect lovers

by April 25th 2011 October 19, 2011

7๐Ÿ‘ 6๐Ÿ‘Ž

megan butler

The village bike

The First choice of any drunk male

Has had my beefsocks than any one else known

Mat <i>You drunk?</i>
Jay <i>Not Really.</i>
Mat <i>Megan Butler looking fit?</i>
Jay <i>Yeah</i>
Mat <i>Pissed?</i>
Jay <i>Definatly</i>

by Jay 2 da Tee March 12, 2007

10๐Ÿ‘ 10๐Ÿ‘Ž


A huge, unrelenting sex goddess who will not take no for an answer. Queen of cat hoarding and master of Chinese disguise. Don't let her beauty and glowing smile deceive you. If you meet a Megan, invite her backpacking and kick her off the first mountain you find.

Megan's beautiful majesty and trickery almost had me fooled. Her sorcery went unnoticed for 3 weeks hidden behind her kind deceitful eyes until I realized the demon she truly was. I gave her a russell (sex act), threw her with the power of Thor off mount Olympus and called it a godamn day.

by Megansucks farealdoe November 12, 2015

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Megan Reed

An Amazing Person Who Will Go on Skype alot

Megan Reed Wanna go skype ?


by Ro88i December 19, 2011

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