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Mount Athos

A peninsula in northern Greece which is of major significance in Eastern Orthodoxy. Women are legally not allowed to enter the peninsula because of the religious rules.

Mount Athos is also known by it's other name, Based HQ

Incel: "Man I'm just so sick of women!"
Other Incel: "Well, Mount Athos is the place for you!"

by JD_NZ September 29, 2021

Mount St. Mary

a small co-ed private school in OKC, OK that is known for volleyball and tiktokers

There ain't no school like Mount St. Mary.

by Amber_The_Great October 27, 2019

Mount St. Mary

A small private school in Okc, Oklahoma. It’s full of pedophiles & and rapists. No wonder why they were on the news for being the sickest school in Okc. The people there think they’re all that and think they’re the best but in reality they’re just a bunch of pathetic kids who think they’ll go somewhere in life. Most of the teachers are even worse. A teacher would put his hands in his pants and another was looking at girls on his computer. Don’t go to this school if you don’t want to get raped or sexually harassed. Oh and their sports actually suck ass compared to other school ur they still think they’re the best.

Stay clear from Mount St. Mary kids!

by joh1234A April 12, 2022

Mount Vernon Barbell water

The legendary water fountain. If you drink from it you may turn into a Testosterone God..

Jeff: Come to Mount Vernon Barbell and drink the Mount Vernon Barbell water with me. It gives you superpowers.

Ryan: What super powers?

Jeff: It is tren infused water. You get immense gains my brother.

by Hermankey December 13, 2022

Top Mount

Where you get your sexual partner on their hands and knees and straddle them from behind, then proceed to place your right hand on the left breast and your left hand on the breast.

bro- how did your date go last night?
Bro- it went well, We went back to my place and i got that bitch in TOP MOUNT

by C-Raig69 June 2, 2024

Mount Phukidunno

Located at Camp David, Mount Phukidunno is known for its mysterious nature, with its name literally translating to "fuck it, I don't know." Populated almost exclusively by aquatic snails and an elusive beetle, Phukidunno has been studied extensively by ecologists for its uniquely low oxygen content.

Mount Phukidunno possesses a unique climate that most humans would quickly die in!
Yeah, it's a really specific climate that only snails can survive.

by Thezachary May 20, 2024

Mount Morris Highschool

Mount Morris High school ethier a Hick or a wanna be thug or dont know there gender everyone there has at least one trail pending or is on probation The Teachers are actually pretty good but there sports they got wrestling and volleyball they have a playoff football team but other then that they are not known everyone from mount morris ethier has a Kid or is a virgin wanna go to the bathroom whats that they have a Smoking zone thats its nothing else so unless you got a dispo or a dab pen dont go in there and dont goto in the locker rooms or you gonna see at least 1 person getting sum coochie for some reason theres always 1 gun threat there and dont goto the glass hallway or your gonna see the Emo kids making out damn near about to have sex so At mt morris high school your ethier a Hick or Wanna be thug no inbetween.

Yo Mount Morris highschool is like going to a off brand powers catholic

by SumHickFromMtMorris November 9, 2020