derogatory term that refers to the smell of a person usually a women with poor feminine hygiene. For men you might use "Assed the Air up".
"I was on the bus and this booty beast salmon the breeze"
Noun - The act of fighting against the current at work. Reaching what you thought/were told was your goal only to figuratively get fucked and die.
Roger really got salmoned. The day he completed the code for his project, it was canceled.
To be tired of an item, especially food items.
I'm salmoned on strawberry yogurt. Give me some other flavor, please.
My pork sword goes well with her ham and salmon pasty
To spit on the salmon means to suck a dick.
The term comes from norwegian, and is «Spøtte på laksen» in norwegian.
Note! Since salmon is a normal cuisine in Norway it is important to remember to not use the term in a conversation about food.
Did u get some at the party?- friend
Nja, I meet this guy, but I was on my period, so I could only spit on the salmon.-
spitting on the salmon is a word used when you want to ask if someone sucks cock, but dont want people to think you are weird
"hey bro, do you spit on the salmon"
"only on saturdays"
When a woman who hasn't showered wipes herself from clit to crack and eats the toilet paper.
Last week Bill told me I smelled like a fish, so I baked him a Salmon Cookie!