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Wife Union

A secret union for wives. There is strong evidence for its existence given the fact that once in, output drastically dwindles.

"My old lady pulled out that wife union card last night...I asked for some head and she said that job is for temps"

by Honeymooned November 25, 2008

6πŸ‘ 5πŸ‘Ž

Facebook Wife

Like Facebook Girlfriend, a facebook wife is a false wife on facebook that you'd like to go out with, but you don't have a chance.

Sometime used to draw attention to 2 people, not as a couple, but as someone who has someone else.

Person1: dude, will you facebook marry me?
Person2: ohyeah, sure! i'd love to have a facebook wife <3

Person1: wanna facebook marry me so we get more attention?
Person2: yeah.. i've been single too long.. i need a facebook wife>_>

person1: your married now?

Person2: yeah, shes smokin, we do everything together. ;)

person1: ohmygodimsojealous... wanna go out sometime?

by AndyTrew August 1, 2011

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Fake wife

The act of showing your nutsack to your friends for a laugh

Yo mike last night was crazy. We pulled the fake wife on chuck!

by hardcor3r4bbit February 24, 2015

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wifed up

Someone who is in a relationship. Specifically someone who is completely involved in a relationship that they ignore friends and change their lifestyle.

Erica - Hey Molly you are completely wifed up huh?
Molly - No way, me and Harry Potter are barely seeing each other. Besides he is way to cool for me just like everyone else ever and ever and ever.
Erica - You don't even hang out with us anymore though. You just play Quidditch with him all day.
Molly - Well Erica, really no one likes hanging out with you anyway. You are kind of a loser, but ok maybe I am a little wifed up.

by rap battle master March 31, 2009

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wife in law

When your ex-husband starts dating/courting/or worse yet, marries your best friend. Because she's your best friend, she's also now your wife in law!

My ex-husband Bill, started dating my best friend of 20+ years, Jane. They married (apparently she didn't learn much from all my bitching) so now she's my wife in law.

by MoeTX May 22, 2009

13πŸ‘ 15πŸ‘Ž

Biblical wife

A wife who will obey almost everything that her husband asks her to do, does her best not to argue (and rarely does). This wife is not completely submissive, because she remains within reason (she’s not going to jump off a cliff or anything like that). She lets the husband make the decisions, and works her best for a perfect relationship. This is the type of wife the Bible says women should be.

I'm jealous of Dave, he has a biblical wife.

by HarryGarrison November 3, 2009

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trophy wife

A woman you wouldn't touch with a ten foot pole if you knew her past. See also: boat whore.

My trophy wife can't stop staring at the black guys.

by anon March 3, 2005

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