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low job

The positive female equivalent of getting a blow job. Cunnilingus. Also known as the verb to be "lolly-popped."

"LJ" for short.

Why is it that women never brag about getting low jobs?

He's a nice guy but he sucks at giving low jobs.

by allkindsofwrong June 14, 2013

3๐Ÿ‘ 1๐Ÿ‘Ž

Lowing the Mawn

When you screw up at doing one of the easiest, if not THE easiest job in the world; Mowing the Lawn. To Low one's Mawn, one has to deliberately fuck up the process by any means. In the aftermath, you may get yo ass beat, but it'll be worth it in the end once the job is done and revenge is paid.

"Having fun Lowing the Mawn, Jacob?" Jared asked his brother, who was getting back at his dad for destroying his XBox.
"Tons of fun!" he replied, destroying the mower with no mercy

by RedRabbit1987 March 4, 2019

3๐Ÿ‘ 1๐Ÿ‘Ž


Definition invented by the player MarcoTheDunker, he personally stated:

"When we used to lose 5v5 flex against gold II to plat IV players, I have thought this could be a good definition for players at that specific elo. So yeah, the Zoidburg-low elo is exactly that one, g2-p4, which is dogshit, considering I hit diamond for 4 seasons and I'm not even that brilliant as a player."

Lmao we just lost another game in Zoidburg-low

by marcothedunker December 14, 2020

3๐Ÿ‘ 1๐Ÿ‘Ž

Get Low

Take dat ass to tha flo!!

" Get Low From tha window to tha Wall" Take ya ass nn get low wit it

by Ern July 3, 2003

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Rob Lowe

To get blackout drunk, do a pile of cocaine, fornicate with a hooker, and then pass out face down.

"I had such a terrible week at work, I'm going to Rob Lowe tonight!"

by The Fat Jew April 5, 2006

67๐Ÿ‘ 79๐Ÿ‘Ž

Low Mass

The Sacrifice of the Mass without, chanting, music or incense. Limited ceremonies are used and there is usally only one server and a priest. These Masses are usally celebrated on weekdays.

Archbishop Bugnini got triggered about Low Mass because the congregation are not supposed to make responses.

by Skyrim550 December 15, 2021

12๐Ÿ‘ 10๐Ÿ‘Ž

Low Cotton

Person of the lower class. Ill refined. Base. Living a white trash lifestyle.

Look at that Janet. She is seriously livin' in low cotton.

by Ric B. May 22, 2008

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