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Acid arm

the term for when your own arm melts due to acid being poured onto it. Afterwards your arm smells only like acid

"hey wanna go out tonight"
"sorry i cant. Karen gave me an acid arm"

by Tablecloth_wanker March 23, 2020

acid rapper

Acid rapper means that you can only rap when your high

Dude that guy is such an acid rapper

by Rapper1324 February 19, 2016

BJ Acid Reflux

When you're getting head from a girl and she gets some acid reflux, causing a pleasurable sensation on the tip of your penis.

"My girl was giving me head and got BJ acid reflux, I immediately busted down her throat."

by Itain'tObeeezy January 24, 2025

Acidic reverse dirty snowball

Hear me out--someone who has consumed so much cum (or jizz) that they have to vomit it back up. May also refer to when frosty the snow man drank too much orange juice and used himself as a projectile to punish the young whipper-snappers (probably Jeff).

I eagerly gave unto him my acidic reverse dirty snowball. He didn't hate it.

by Pddlover100 May 11, 2021

Acid Twig

A butt plug that has been dipped in acid, perfect for being shoved up one's behind.

Man, I would sure love to stick an acid twig up Lauren's ass. She's such an uncultured prick.

by VivaLaTrashcan August 31, 2016

acid court

acid is a retard cuck who joined com late 2021 but quit and came back in 2023 and joined the cult " court " he gets content from tyrannies and underage girls and calls it good despite the fact he claims to " not like kids " but instead " grooms them for content.

acid court is my god >.<

by aciddddd December 1, 2023

Acid mom

whenever a fun loving gal loves acid so much she makes it her child

thing 1:bro she going crazy with dat acid
thing2:yea i bet you can call her acid mom

by leisha lia geringer toby rowan December 17, 2019