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butt boogie

what happens when you hear a totally sexy song in a club.

That song is totally butt boogie!

by littlereddoggie January 12, 2012

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Dumpster Boogie

The act of having sex with someone you don't really respect or care about, but just engage in sex for the sex and usually kick that person out right after or leave.

Yeah, I picked this chick at the bar, and took her back to the crib and we did the dumpster boogie. She wanted to be my girl and be all serious, but I was like "Hell no she just a dumpster boogie".

by Losdoslokos January 31, 2021

Dumpster Boogie

The act of having mutual consented sex with someone you with no desire for a serious relationship.

We left the bar and went to my apartment to do the dumpster boogie. She wanted me to be her man, but I was like "Hell no, she just a dumpster boogie to me".

by Losdoslokos January 31, 2021

Bayou Boogie

swamp people running from alligators yelling things you cannot understand while doing the hoe down

midgets having sex is the vanilla version of the bayou boogie.

by Alexsbaconaterhotwife November 19, 2022

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queening a song then

ava: did u hear iyanas boogis?

aleena: yea it was amazing
jacob: right?! itโ€™s my favorite song
natalee: was it party in the usa?

by April 9, 2022


when you queef a song tune

ava: did you hear iyanas boogis?
aleena: yeah it was amazing!
jacob: right?! itโ€™s my favorite song!
natalee: was it party in the usa?

by April 9, 2022


A booger or a weird person

Oh my. What's that word I always say. B- O- Ohh Boogis. Youre such a Boogis!

by #heyyy April 2, 2024