Source Code

Cold Unit


It's been a long week. I sure could use a cold unit right about now.

by RojoG August 24, 2008

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Cold Carl

When a young man freezes a sturdy log of his feces and chases a young lady around the house trying to club her with said feces. If he gets a good knock on her noggin with his "Cold Carl" before it melts, he wins!

She was resistant to the Cold Carl at first, but afterward thanked me for the cool, nutty refreshment.

by Matthew CC Gordon July 29, 2010

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cold jones

The feeling you get when you have a desperate impulse for something and the current temperature around you is rather frigid.

"Man I'm really Cold Jonesing for a burrito. . . up here in Alaska."
"Me too dude."

by JohnnyBombo4Ever July 3, 2008

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blazing cold

when it is so cold outside you need a bigger word for it

dude1:its really cold
dude2:its blazing cold!!!!

by tubagodd October 29, 2007

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cold spicy

The kind of spicy that comes from mouthwash or Listerine strips

We got a new mouthwash and it's too cold spicy for me.

by Spooky616 August 12, 2018

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Cold Turkey

A bitch ass mf, pussy, coward erythinf that makes a mf scary

Bro tht nigga over there cold turkey he dont want no smoke

by elite_kyle February 12, 2022

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Cold Lampin

Standing on the sidewalk with your friends under the street light. Not doing anything but leaning against the lamp post. Absolute meaning of this term in the early-1980s.

Powering DJ equipment by the lamp wires did happen, but is not β€œdoing nothing” which lampin represents.

The use of β€œcold” is like β€œbeing cool.” It doesn’t refer to temperature at all. In the early 1980s you could say, β€œI was cold walking down the street when she came up to my face and dissed me.” Cold, meaning, disconnected, unaffected, cool as a cucumber, not involved in drama, etc.

I was cold chillin, doing my homework before class when…

Cold Lampin should not have any confusion, it means you and your friends were doing nothing but standing under a street light in the dark

We were outside, cold Lampin, when a car drove up with that bumpin bass

by Go Go D December 28, 2022

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