Fun Guts in a term me and my friends made up in 6th grade, Fun guts describes something funny or amusing. Or if you say you want to play with someone "fun guts" it means you like them and want to hang out.
Noun: Fun guts, something funny, amusing or silly
Adjective: Describes someone as Funny and comedic
You know how slime is fun to play with and its wet and squishy, well fun guts are intestines that are fun like slime.
Fun guts refers to Cartoon organs and fake intestines.
I want to play with your fun guts.
You act like some fun guts.
Hello my fun guts.
When your titties are adjacent to your belt line.
That girl’s jeans look super cute with her titty-gut!
a very gory and violent movie, which causes stomach upset especially when it shows cannibalism, disembowelment, and any sort of graphic violence.
Anyway, 1979 film " Mountain of the Cannibal God " is kind of a throwaway in the world of cannibal gut-cruncher films.
2. Some have only heard it as the notorious gut-cruncher in the tradition of " Last House on the Left " and " I spit on your grave ".
When you have an increase in your waist size due to earning a higher wage and fall into the trap of changing your eating and exercise habits. Similar to middle age spread.
Bob has gained a prosperity gut after his promotion.
Someone who is in a foul mood and behaving acoordingly.
See also: cantankerous, grumpy, disagreeable.
Little Timmy didn't get enough sleep last night and is being a bit of an ill-gut.
(adjective) Used to refer to something very violent or fierce.
"A blood-and-guts competition"
Australian slang for "down the middle".
Hey Davo, where should I kick the ball?
Just bang it long down the guts.
And where should I cut the cake?
Just slash it down the guts.