Source Code

Pissed Off

Extremely powerful anger that builds up inside, and you constantly want to release it, but when you do, it unleashes a full wrath that might cause the biggest calamity that had ever existed... or

When you are pissed off at someone or something, that means that you are angry or frustrated at him/her/them/it for whatever he/she/they/it did to you, and you want to get revenge on him/her/them/it.

In other words, you are mad. I mean, really? Do you really need to look this up? Come on! Seriously?

-Seeing that son of a bitch who stole my ipod walk by me really pisses me off.

-Ow! Damn it! This stupid screw punctured my finger, Ahh! This damn thing really pissed me off.

But hey, it's better to be pissed off than to be pissed on!

by Ilisten2Metal April 11, 2014

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piss stacking

When you stack the hand-washing animation on top of piss animation by peeing directly on to your hands.

Piss canceling is outdated, piss stacking is the new meta.

by redsleepinggrass March 26, 2022

Posse Piss

When a group of girls all go to the bathroom together

(At a reastaurant)
Girl 1: I'll be back in a min. I have to use the bathroom
Girl 2: Oh wait for me, I do too!
Girl 3: Me too, Let's have a posse piss

by Heath- A August 11, 2008

Piss Jail

Piss Jail is when you desperately need to pee but are unable to due to current circumstances making it extremely difficult or impossible.

Stuck needing to pee in an important company meeting that isn't over for another hour? Piss Jail.

Stuck needing to pee in a crowded train and your stop is miles and miles away? Piss Jail.

Also acceptable: Piss Prison

Bro PLEASE pull the car over, I've been in piss jail for the past hour!

by Cant be traced June 21, 2019

Pissed as a Chook

A Word of New Zealand origin and slang to indicate extreme intoxication after overindulgance in alcohol

Jerrys downed 15 export golds and 2 JDs and coke and is now pissed as a chook.

by Pol Pothead April 1, 2012

Piss Muncher

Literally: Someone that pisses into an ice cube tray and freezes their piss then proceeds to munch on their piss cubes.
Figuratively: Someone that is very weird and or very annoying.

Dean: “Hey Alex, did you hear that Oscar is a piss muncher?”
Alex: “Yeah I figured, he’s so weird and annoying.”

by ZestyyLemons January 26, 2019

pissed offedness

The state of being pissed off.

Sorry bro, I didnt mean to interrupt your pissed offedness.

by achaeon May 30, 2010