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Scratch It

A term used to refer to itching one’s nutsack. It is oftentimes done intentionally to gross someone out.

Oh yeah. Let me just scratch it real good.

by Extreme Cube101 May 19, 2024

boner scratch

having your boner ruffled and gyrated upon by another human in some fashion, in a way that satisfies a pre-existing desire, typically accomplished through grinding.

Bro, think that girl will give me the 'ol boner scratch?

by Boner?...I barely know her! July 22, 2018

Scratching Your Knee

A term that is used as an excuse for when you’re caught jerking one out. Could also mean jerking off in general.

Guy 1: Hey man we’re you just wanking it?!?!
Guy 2: Nah, just scratching my knee.
Guy 1: Oh, alright, continue scratching your knee then.

by TheRussianHammer March 27, 2018

Jack Scratch

When a man grows out his facial hair, but not quite yet a beard to capture the 'sexy-hunk on a deserted island' look popularized by the "LOST" character Jack, played by actor Matthew Fox. The effect is multiplied by having a Medical Degree. See also Sawyer Scruff

Hot Girl #1- 'Hey, check out the guy by the pool table!'
Hot Girl #2- 'Mmmmm... nice eyes and Jack Scratch, just the way I like it! Grrrrr...'

by Clouddiver April 21, 2008

scratch cat

the mascot of scratch

The Scratch cat is the mascot of Scratch. He can,well change stuff -_-
example: person1 - the scratchcat is the mascot of scratch
person 2 - lies the scratchteam is

person1 - t h e s c r a t c h t e a m i n c l u d e s t h e s c r a t c h c a t

by _ScratchOn_ March 22, 2021


When you're thirteen,on the school bus,sitting with your " girl " trying to get a few scratches between them thighs,so you have something to sniff while waiting for everyone in the house to fall asleep so you can polish your carrot.

Bobby was excited to sit next to Jill on the bus today; if he's lucky he'll be able to have a Scratch&Sniff session this evening.

by MoRxSurroundedxOnS January 12, 2023

A gentleman's scratch

"A gentleman's scratch" is when you have an itchy bumhole and you fart at just the right capacity to simultaneously release gas and itch your bumhole within the same manoeuvre

"i preformed A gentleman's scratch to itch my bumhole in bed last night"

by ScottyFxckinT August 16, 2023