An advanced sales technique commonly used to exert dominance over a customer who is being an idiot. The salesman will slam his hands down on the table as hard as possible. When the customer looks up in shock to see what happened, the salesman will immediately slap the customer. This lets the customer know you are NOT there to screw around.
This customer is totally unreasonable. I may have to give him the Ole strike 'n slap.
A lack of releases and not updating people on the status of fansub projects.
All I ask for is that you just don’t pull a strike-subs on us.
1-a very violent internet based game in wich you kill as many people as possible with all sorst of weapons.
2-an online game by valve based on the source engine, wich is also used by half-life 2
1-Jack Thompson thinks counter-strike is bad
2- i killed alot of people in counter-strike with all sorts of weapons
If you strikeout 3 times in a week you get to do whatever you want without your partner caring
3 strike rule means if you strikeout you’ll get punished
C-striking is the action of one male asking another female out, for another male. This can be done with the other males knowledge or without. In many cases the C-striked male will be angry with the stiker. It is often considered to be a cruel thing to do. Sometimes the striked male may simply not have the balls to ask the girl and the other male does it for him under his consent.
"Scott liked Meghan, but didn't want to ask her out."
"So joe C-striked scott, and asked Meghan if she wanteed to go to the movies with Scott."
When a bloke hits you in the face with his knob, the man obviously plays too much call of duty and wants to continue his gaming life into the real world
She wasn't going all the way so I decided to give her a chopper strike to show her who's boss
When you surprise her by putting 3 fingers in her pussy.
I totally pulled a three finger fluster strike on her!