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yellow fever

yellow fever- when a person of either gender that is not of aian descent is obsessed with asian people and culture.
(i.e-females, "manga", learning to speak japanese, a.k.a, yellow fever or reallll poser..what losers)and what pisses me off is sometimes they get the asian girl and i don't, and im asian!!!

"Oh that is soooo kawaii, you know, cute in japanese. Yup i'm taking japanese so i can talk to asians on the internet."

"Wow now you got yellow fever"

by chris.. July 24, 2006

42๐Ÿ‘ 39๐Ÿ‘Ž

yellow rose

From the traditional folk song of the Southern United States, "The Yellow Rose of Texas". The Yellow Rose was Emily West Morgan, a mulatto. The term 'High Yellow' was used to describe non-Caucasian people whose skin color was so light, that they could pass for white. A high yellow female was sometimes referred to as a Yellow Rose.

"There's a yellow rose in Texas that I am going to see..."

by Saluton May 6, 2008

14๐Ÿ‘ 10๐Ÿ‘Ž

yellow ball

To be distracted by something mid-sentence.

You: I got a new shirt and-
*car passes*
Me: Stop yellow balling and finish telling the story.

by Kaichiturtle November 11, 2006

15๐Ÿ‘ 11๐Ÿ‘Ž

yellow ladders

street term for the prescription drug called xanax (alprozolam)

i found a couple of yellow ladders and that shit fucked me up dogg

by lunydogg August 21, 2011

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Yellow Ledbetter

verb. To mumble incomprehensible, similar-sounding phonetics over song lyrics someone isn't sure about.

This is done as a lame attempt to cover up for the fact that someone really doesn't know the words, when the more appropriate action would have been to just shut the fuck up. It is your moral obligation to bust this person out, to preempt future singing fail.

Bob (singing): When the light's out, it's less dangerous! Here we are now, In containers!

John: Dude, did you just Yellow Ledbetter all over Kurt Cobain?! Spare me your song-desecration, Lamesauce!

by JillyBeane December 30, 2011

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yellow nigga

A nigga but asian

"whatever you say yellow nigga"

by Mannlord Mode December 4, 2015

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yellow bone

A very light skinned (fair complected) african american girl.

What makes Soulja Boy's dick hard.

See "Pretty Boy Swag" approx 1:50.

Yellow bone on my dick when I pretty boy swag.

by AdubG March 1, 2011

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