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angels foot

The opposite of a devil's inch. Basically a foot long penis, that does not need any help getting longer (see devils inch).

I'm going to give my girl the angels foot tonight.

by BigBoiSmash&Pass October 24, 2017

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Snook Foot

The painful aftermath of consistent beach walking in search of snook while fly fishing in bare feet.

Damn... I got a bad case of snook foot from fishing on the beach this week.

by Trough Walker June 26, 2020

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Foot Fucker

When a male enjoys having his penis rubbed between another males toes. This is common among white males from Louisiana. When the male is ready to finish, he squirts in a jar and stores it. The dude later rubs the semen over his feet because he enjoys the smell (although no one else does). This gay man has no friends and stalks girls he likes. He has no idea EVERYONE hates him. He thinks he is the shit, but in reality he is retarded.

Tyler ( a Foot Fucker): Hey, can I put my penis between your toes?

Miguel: What the FUCK???? (Punches Tyler in face)

Tyler: Hit me more!!!!!!!!!!

by Eileene Dover July 9, 2011

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foot crumbs

little crumbs that get stuck to the bottom of your feet from walking on dirty crumby floors.

kareen: "avigail!!! you got foot crumbs on my bed again, i know you've been standing on it!!!"

by tara cinderella March 2, 2011

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Brick Foot

A serious congenital medical condition that renders the victim's feet severely heavy, making it impossible for them to sneak, creep, or move quietly in any manner. The condition is usually diagnosed in college students, with stomping down dormitory halls being the easiest symptom to spot.

Jordan: "Is Jenna wearing lead boots?"
Darren: "No, she has Brick Foot you insensitive prick!"

by Sergeant Soup January 24, 2012

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foot odor

1)a smelly sensation that pulsates through your foot soles and radiates from your cornea forming a picture in the retina
2)an excuse when you need to leave a predicament quickly

1)I have to go...I have...turrable foot odor...Thatsh nashtay.
2)I have to go...I have...turrable foot odor...and i just gosh darn stung myself.

by stayfaun:) February 3, 2009

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Broken Foot

The Broken Foot is what can happen when you're engaged in seriously rough and vigorous sex with a partner.

During the act, the couple (or couples) end up fucking so hard, one of them breaks their foot or other appendage. Research suggests that 90% of the time it's the foot or feet that take the punishment.

The worse the break, the better the sex. Multiple breaks would signify genius / brilliant sex.

Not to be confused with a stress fracture which can occur during dull sex.

Oh god, I fucked Rosey so hard last night she ended up with a broken foot.

by sukosimon November 27, 2010

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