A watercraft vessel in which rich people pay a fortune to die on.
all those rich assholes paid $250,000 for a ticket to visit the Titanic and they all died.
The rich assholes thought that they were better than everyone else aboard the Titanic.....until it fuckin broke in half and sank to the bottom of the ice fuckin cold ocean......
(V) the act of tying one’s sexual partner upside down from the ceiling and repeatedly dunking their head in a bucket of ice water and punching them in the face while they scream “Iceberg!”
“Seth was telling me that when he and Lexi were having sex she totally Titanic’ed him and he loved it!”
(Serious meaning)
Known as RMS Titanic that departed from Southampton to New York City, but hit an iceberg in the North Atlantic Ocean with a loss of 1,500 deaths and 700 survivors, the total of it is 2,200
Titanic was called "The Ship of Dreams"
HAHAHAHAHA! I saw the directors commentary on the scene where Rose is throwing the diamond into the ocean and the commentator is like "And the message is that material wealth isn't important." And it's like... So... what's the message? "Getting some fat cock in the back of someones car behind your fiancés back is worth more than all the diamonds in the world"? Is that the message James? Because that's all I saw there.... That and people dying horrifically... Remember that guy who fell from way high up? Wooaaah! Did you see Scanners!? Did you watch it yet? Did you see the end? That shit was crazy!
Hym "Titanic is prime 'I'm not like that anymore' Right? Right Red pill audience? Do i have that? 'I'm not like th-' No? You're not getting it. Nevermind. Neeevermind... Neee- Hey, but the 'will he won't he' thing... You could have asked. Nobody thought to ask? That's kind of the joke. Why not? Assumed I would lie? It's almost like you guys thought I was fucking a retard behind your back and you don't know whether or not to do something about it.... Isn't it like that? Or what even to do!? It is so much like that it's kind of funny... Isn't it? You have to admit it's a litt- Yeah I'll stop."
Sinking of the RMS Titanic
14 Apr 1912 – 15 Apr 1912
RMS Titanic sank in the early morning hours of 15 April 1912 in the North Atlantic Ocean, four days into her maiden voyage from Southampton to New York City. Wikipedia
Location: Atlantic Ocean
Dates: 14 Apr 1912 – 15 Apr 1912
Cause: Collision with iceberg on 14 April
Deaths: 1,490–1,635
Number of deaths: 1,504
Result: Maritime policy changes; SOLAS
there never was a prime cookie.
the Soyboy Beast Titan is militarizing the other titans
When you take a fat shit and leave it in the toilet bowl to ferment. It's impossible to flush and has to be pulled out with hands. It has to be at least 2 inches wide and 8 inches long to classify as a titanic shit.
"Did you see that titanic shit I took in the school bathroom earlier?"