Daughter of their great-grandparent’s full sibling with the other great-grandparent’s full sibling.
My double-first great-cousin-aunt is a good person.
When you take a crap on top of someone else's unflushed dump.
"I had to go really bad, but the shitter was plugged with someone's turd. So I just double parked it."
Verb; Past tense; when your facebook data was taken by Cambridge Analytical and facebook’s CEO, Mark Zuckerberg, tells you to “click this link to see if your data was mined” and by clicking the link your data is mined again.
Fool me once shame on you, fool me twice...well..you ain’t gonna double-zuck me again. My friend got double-zucked yesterday when he clicked the link to see about his data.
A shit that while it is still connected to your anus touches the water at the bottom of the toilet.
Guy 1: Dude I just laid out this ridiculous double toucher it was fucking sick!
Guy 2: Dude! What the fuck?
a person who acts like a slave because they like the feeling of being controlled by others better than them.
Andrew: double dozier garf and double dozier paolo go downstairs get me some apple juice then bring it up here, thank me for giving you the honor of handing juice to me and then jus lick my dick for a few hours
paolo & garf: yes master
paolo: im dr.love master
Andrew:shutup Bitch i aint ask u dat
Another powerful attack (See: thunderkick) of the martial arts variety
tito has only a level 2 double chop
Even if you're not a member of any intelligence agency, you notice that the guy who says he was Uday Hussein's body double in real life looks nothing like Uday Hussein. He's heavier set and has no resemblence to Uday physically or in manner.
Why would a guy pick a guy that doesn't look or behave anything like him to be his body double, or twin? Wouldn't he go with a guy that was similar to him to be his double? Anybody who told either of them that they looked alike lied to one of them or both, if there's any truth to The Devil's Double.