Source Code

Code E

Hey evelyn, i know we have a long history and everything but i just really felt like i needed to let you know my feelings. For the past two years i know ive acted like i liked other girls but ive always wondered why i cant ever seem the commit to them. The reason is you, I always uncontrollably want to come back to you and i dont know why but id resort to talking to other girls to numb my feelings for you but they always come back. I remember when we first met you told me that im only 14 and how could i know what love was, but i do know what love is because i love you, I have for the past two years and i dont know if i will ever stop. For these past 2 years ive always watched you grow close to other guys and grow apart and every single time ive envied them because every single time none of them were me. I loved being by your side and the only time we were close was then you were speaking to one of my friends and we all hung out together like wesley, daniel and andrew. ive grown close to this feeling of being by your side as a friend and being only on the sidelines of your relationships. Even though i wished it was me standing in their places but i think if i could live these past 2 years 100 times over i would choose to be supporting from the side every time.

I love you Code e

by ChaChawaka December 1, 2022


The last living member of his species.
He is half twisty half fish.

His ability to loose a limb and forget about it till it grows back a different colour.

He has more erection with porn reflection than in his shit collectin.

Topic jumper high speed erratic and all round just baked cooked n stewd way to long

To have twist-e in your life you definately can understand him if Ur dropped as a baby.

Brain activity is awkwardly stiff MLS ie best juice freezes at room temp

U will often find TWIST-E speaking in riddles rhymes n utter bullshit

by March 27, 2024

E-Bay Hangover

Next day regret from an E-Bay purchase.

"Yesterday I bought a fairing bracket on E-Bay. Now I have an E-Bay Hangover trying to pay for it."

by Pirate 2112 October 31, 2011

god e

the most famous and epic(est) player on the minecraft server EC he also has a son named jesus (flamsies) and god is very epic def the best player on the server no doubt about it hes also very famous

god e is very famous

by definitely cbk January 25, 2021

e-scatological punishment

Derived from "eschatology", the end of time or the apocalypse; "e" as in e-mail; and "scatological" : having to do with feces.

Poetic justice at the Final Judgment by being forced to watch nauseating internet scat porn.

Ted's lack of faith and porn addiction earned him e-scatological punishment. He was forced to watch repetitions of "Two Girls One Cup" for all eternity.

by samuelducanada April 16, 2011


Dude, how bored do you have to be to get to this level?

Pay attention in class instead of being on here

bruh /z.x,cmvnba's;dlfkgjhq\werptoyiu1=2-30495867 is crazy

by Don't use your real name ok May 26, 2023


to aimlessly jump/move around in a video game while focusing on another task (e.g. talking to a friend in chat, waiting for someone to come back to their keyboard after being away, etc.)

"Oh, that? Yeah, he told me about it when we were e-stimming in Minecraft."

by pyrule November 27, 2024