A relationship between Batman And Black Canary, both need each other and both love each other, but Green Arrow and Catwoman keep shitting in otherwise they'd be In love, they both complete each other as Batman is a Badass Dude named Bruce Wayne whereas Black Canary is a Hothead Blonde named Laurel Lance, both had a high pitch romance in Comics as Thrillkiller and All Star Batman sometimes Wattpad Fanfictions and there's mutual respect and secret love between Batman and Black Canary in Young Justice TV Show
Batman and Black Canary is so wonderful I wish they get a chance together
Batman and Black Canary Romance was something I had in mind but somebody already made the two lovers come together
Best ship in Fiction I said Batman and Black Canary, Wonder Woman and Batman, Wonder Woman and Steve Trevor
Someone who can’t sleep at night because of mental struggles, heartbreak or grief.
“I’m batman” (I need to fight the voices in my head)
I’m Batman isn’t a term used when a man fights crime, but a term when a man is fighting to not end it all, really it is a cry for help
I’m Batman
When you put a mask in the mouth of the victim, (like the batman mask)
He just wouldn't stop screamin' so I BATMAN GAGGED him!
when a kid in a Batman suit carries you upstairs unconscious
That girl got Batmanned last night when everyone fell asleep.
To walk around with ones penis hanging out. Usually alcohol is involved.
Woohoo I'm Hanging a Batman.
A way to say you and your friend are way cooler than everyone else within earshot.
Random person: "Who do you think you are?"
You and your friend in sync: "We be Batman."