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He is so sexy, hot, and cool (hotter than your momma=)

Jake was almost as sexy and hot and cool as Ben.

by $-$-$-$-$ February 1, 2021

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A boy who will say he loves you while banging multiple other girls (escorts included). He may treat you like trash, but you'll make good friends with the girls he cheats with.

Ben is a piece of garbage

by cactusblossomdelune January 31, 2020

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a very bendy man named ben who has something called little man syndrome and thinks hes very very smart

ben means to be gay

by chinkususussuususususususus October 12, 2020

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An absolute twat. No one likes a ben

Person 1: who’s the twat over there
Person 2: oh he’s ben

by liv and soph April 28, 2020

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A very fat individual, Bens will do anything to get his hands on a large McDonald's meal but most Bens you'll find are drug dealers and has a best mate named Cameron, but Camerons usually make fun of Bens weight.

Ben, a nice girl

by @benmini2005 May 9, 2019

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Fucking bender no one should like his he smells like a bowl of meatball spaghetti

Guy 1- who’s cooking
Guy 2 -oh that’s just Ben’s smell

by Garry 123 May 31, 2020

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A boy who has a heart of gold. Someone so absolutely amazing its almost illegal.

He is compassionate, kind-hearted, caring, talented, strong, incredibly handsome and just so amazing in general.

None of these things can be denied, they're proven facts.

"Rumour has it, if you meet a Ben, you're the luckiest person in the world!"

"Woah did you see Ben? His eyes are so amazing-"

by personwhoonlyknowsfacts June 7, 2021

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