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brick gang

brick gang is a gang that maxwell bryant created cause he is a g and is a pimp members are mylee, aurora, and max BRICK GANG for life

fuck you brick gang for life

by brick gang September 9, 2022

Bricked Up

To have an erection. Alternative spellings include bricked, ๐Ÿงฑ up, and ๐Ÿงฑ'd.

PAWG at 3 o'clock got me bricked up

by 44Nifty March 16, 2022

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Shitting bricks

To be surprised in a bad way; to be anxious about something

I am currently shitting bricks right now because I found out people do illegal things

by iamoftheschitter December 29, 2022

brick agent

FBI agent of the lowest rank

- Wow, he works for the FBI?
- Well, he is just a brick agent.

by saramar77 October 15, 2017

brick face

a person (usually male) with a rectangular face shape and jaw line,and a red complection, often cause by spots.

"harry you're a brick face"

"harry have you ever got lost in a construction site?"
"go away!"

by wibble wobble. January 31, 2011

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semen brick

It's when you find these 2 girls and you want to cum on there faces so bad, that you freeze your own semen over the course of a week until you have enough to make ice cubes of semen then shove them down their faces while hitting them with a brick.
(For more like this see definition: Donkey Punch)

It's when you have these two girls and you just want to cum all over there faces, but you wanna smash for real.
Like literally with a brick to their fucking teeth.
So you ask them hey, you want this semen brick?

by DickAnderson October 23, 2017

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Cali Brick

California's version of extremely cold tempertures, usually 39-50 degrees. It's so cold that flip flops are no longer an option, one must wear socks, uggs, and/or a heavy peacoat to survive.

Dude, it's like totally Cali brick outside, we might want to consider growing indoor pot for the next grow cycle.

I know its not 15 below, but it is Cali brick, I need to put on multiple layers of clothing, and this is totally "killing my vibe".
When it's Cali brick, does that mean I need to buy snow chains?

by LadyTecniq February 25, 2018

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