Eva Kelleher is the sexiest girl alive who gets all the lads cause she’s so fit lol
that Eva Kelleher is peng
she simps for Sean Ehrman. She is anti-social. You can find that she is blue not white.
When you get close with the right people who make you realise you enjoy other’s company rather than your own
I love being with impy squad, I’ve had Eva’s epiphany.
Shes the perfect house wife material and will make you pancakes while she beats you up with a pan like rapunzel or sm. shes a stupid Canadian with maple syrup or some shit. shes so white like the color of my walls. she will never leave her perfect husband and will work to impress men cause shes super straight.
boy 1: wow Anna-Eva died
boy 2: aw there goes my perfect house wife
Person 1: Eva Conner is sooooo pretty
Person 2: I know right I wish I could be her