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Feet Creeper

Is someone who likes feet whether in a casual or sexual way.
This person will usually do anything to be near feet, preferably without socks or shoes.
And will also try to seek out another feet creeper as a partner.

Kellys boyfriend is such a feet creeper!

by charvel1 May 9, 2011

8πŸ‘ 11πŸ‘Ž

red feet

when a guy fucks a virgin standing up and she gets blood on her feet

Girl: "Im sorry, I'm new at this..."
Guy: "got cold feet eh?"
Girl "No... i have red feet..."

by L on a stick February 12, 2006

9πŸ‘ 13πŸ‘Ž

small feet

Once upon a time some people believed that the bigger your feet the bigger your dick so having small feet is having a small dick.

He has pretty small feet if ya know what I mean

by SelfishShellfish November 10, 2017

12πŸ‘ 16πŸ‘Ž

gypsy feet

When the bottoms of one’s feet become black and nasty due to roaming university ave. or any where for that matter, with no shoes. Much like gypsy’s who have no shoes and who travel the world aimlessly, thus, making their feet black and nasty.

God damn, D. Mason has has some nasty ass GYPSY feet, nigga.

by gangsta shit February 9, 2007

14πŸ‘ 24πŸ‘Ž

big feet

it means big shoes

i have small big feet

by max March 23, 2004

116πŸ‘ 289πŸ‘Ž

Beat feet

To leave a selected area.

"Yo there's a a lot of penis at this party, it's time to beat feet"

by AK-88 July 26, 2006

2131πŸ‘ 6208πŸ‘Ž

Hobbit feet

When you have hair on you feet like a hobbit from lord of a rings

Brian: Your feet look hair; you must have hobbit feet
Jake: No i don't

Brian: ok

by Ehmac March 9, 2017

3πŸ‘ 3πŸ‘Ž