Physics, Chemistry, Other shit Monti complains about in the front, party in the back
Hook - "Hey man, nice mullet bro"
Montana - "Fucking business idiot I'm an engineer, if I was in business I wouldn't be an engineer fuck. I have an engineer's mullet"
Hook - "Shit sorry forgot how sick you were pce"
A slang term used in the vintage tee shirt community to define a tee with a small graphic print on the front and a much larger graphic print on the back.
"Sick tee man, I love that mullet hit!"
A slang term used in the vintage tee shirt community that defines a tee shirt with a small graphic print on the front and a big graphic print the back.
Thats such a sweet tee man, i love that mullet hit!
Referring to a type of manscaping in which the balls are tightly trimmed but the butthole hair is long. Business on the balls and party on the butt.
When I went back to Ziggy’s house for some booty he bent over and showed me his jizz mullet.
Short pubes in the front, long ass hair in the back... Businesses in the front party in the back
My girl's got that south of the border mullet if you know what I mean!!
Any of the cheap watered down American beers such as Bud Light or Natty light.
If you’re going to Mike’s house you better bring your own beer. All he buys is Mullet Lite.