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Captain America

mainstream daddy

Lili: who's Captain America?
Emily: Oh he's that mainstream daddy avengers guy!

by THEgamerboy69 October 19, 2022

zombie america

Idiots that frequent trendy places like Santa Monica CA.

People that voted for Obama are likely infected inhabitants of zombie america.

by 07TuscaniGT October 3, 2013

America Day

The 4th of July

Today is America Day! Cheers!

by Ilisten2Metal July 5, 2014


The truth


by lionblazeeee March 2, 2020

East America

Puerto Rico

Did you know East America is part of the USA?

by MaybeARealWord January 22, 2022

america sofia

America sofia is a girl who dosent really bilive in true friends she hates when they say they are her friend and they talk shit behind her. Back she.is not fake if you are.not fake to her she.tendes to get played.with because she thinks to find the right boy put when the right boy is around the one who actually cares and loves her she tends to be blind her pass relationonships were wonderfull experiences that she wont forget in her life time .if you treat her like a joke she will leave you like its funny she is a.really sporty girl and .lerned to not give a shit about the.pepole who talk shit about her behind her back and are really bad.at hinding it there is.a lot of jelousy around her "friends" complement her sarcaticly put she has a good eye with those pepole she.loves

helping others and loves playing around with haters its funny to her when pepole talk shit behind her back but she.is really clever for tricking them she had a really good hart and loves meeting pepole.put often is a little insicure about ho to trust life has put her in a lot of hard situations but she.has.always leared to over come.them she is a really strong girl. And a really good mentor and friend you can trust her.only if she can trust you .So,if you are looking for a mentor or and some one positve and a really good side.kick and friend look for a america sofia!!!

America sofia is a really good friend with ho treat her right and are real.

by Ángela September 22, 2019

America Syndrome

Other countries do it because "America does it".

America: *Begins protest about costs*
Other Countries: Let's follow Americas footsteps. I guess now is a good time to protest too.

Hence, America Syndrome.

by Drew Durnil’s Lover June 18, 2020