the best reboot of a game ever.
John* wanna play Pokemon fire red ?
Me* yes
Hallucinations of pokemon fighting each other.
Yo bro are you on some pokemon drugs?
Meaning in Malay/Indonsialan : Pokemon where are you?
Meaning in Thai : Pokemon (Pikachu) squeezes lime to kill snake.
It's in the lyrics of a well known Indonesian kids song which took the music from Dikir Puteri by Idris Noraniza. The Thais misheard as above and became a meme/joke for years.
Pokemon Pokemon Dimana Kamu = โปเกม๊อน โปเกม่อน บีบมะนาวฆ่างู
The game that you bought only because it has pokemon in it (or it lasts for 10m) and where new pokemon are broken as hell (zacian and mewtwo lmao) while your teammates never come to objectives and steal your jungle
Surprisingly less toxic than league until you face a 45% win rate random who made it to masters and is now on your team.
Please check the stats the item affects (no attack weight isnt good on gardevoir, choice specs on cinderace what?, and ofc cant forget potion charizard)
me: I love playing Pokemon Unite, my jungle just got stolen! This 10m is gonna be so much fun
the mobile game were people have been murdered by trains, shot and just go crazy for those pokemon
jimbob: hey lets play pokemon go
bobjim: ok lets go!
(2 hours later...)
vicar guy: we are here to remember bobjim, who died cos some asshole killed him during a catch of a ditto, rest in peace, bobjim, rest in peace...
pokemon go is a dngerous game from the origin of pokemon to mortal disasters
pokemon go player: *walking on the street finding for pokemon, walking slowly*
person: OMG LOOK OUT!
pokemon go player: *is ok*
cars: *crashing to theirselves making a disaster*