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Pack a Punch

A gameplay mechanic in Call of Duty: Black Ops Zombies. It allows you to upgrade your weapon. Usually costs 5000 credits. To purchase upgraded ammo costs 4500 credits, or you could wait to get a max ammo. Upgrading weapons is costly but worth it. Upgrades damage by at least 125% and gives a new camo to the weapon and a random attachment.

I put my M1911 in the Pack a Punch machine, and I got Mustang and Sally, the semi-auto, akimbo grenade launcher pistols

by MW2 Freak January 7, 2011

54๐Ÿ‘ 28๐Ÿ‘Ž

Punched the tabby

slammed a can of beer, or pop

I woke up this morning, got dress, punched the tabby

by Ynot 999 August 16, 2006

31๐Ÿ‘ 14๐Ÿ‘Ž

Punch in the cunt

Describes effective means of firmly illustrating a person's (predominantly, however not always female) character flaws.

Especially useful in fringe/rural areas; may receive unfavorable response in metropolitan regions/cafe's.

"That bitch needs a fucking punch in the cunt."

"sounds like she needs a punch in the cunt."

by MonkeyMark February 27, 2009

59๐Ÿ‘ 31๐Ÿ‘Ž

Throat punch

A swift fist thwarted into the throat of a speaking , or not speaking, ass hat. Appropriately delivered immediately after douchey sentence is in progress or at full completion.

In the year 1820, John Dickerson was a man of the field. He rose cattle and herded sheep. Greg Gregerson and the penis boys were known about town to herd cattle to their branding post and would brand penises onto unsuspecting heffers. Soon after they would return the missing cattle to their appropriate owners with their newfound phallic brandishing. John Dickerson was very upset by these cockamamie antics. His cattles' fresh dick decorations extremely decreased the face value of his bovines. John Dickerson sought out Greg Gregerson and the penis boys in sordid places and soon found these four gargantuan men in a local brothel with appropriately large women. He knew immediately that his average size and pisspoor fighting techniques would be no match for Greg Gregerson and the penis boys. Greg being the largest and the leader, he instantly knew he must take him out if he had any hope of leaving unscathed and his heffers avenged. He balled his fist and struck Greg Gregerson in a 3" space between the chin and the neck of Greg's shirt. Greg Gregerson dropped to the floor in agony and the penis boys trembled in fear. After witnessing their fearless leader taken out with one punch, one brace penis boy asked John Dickerson to lead their gang and brand dick decorations all over the cattle of the Midwest. John Dickerson replied,"Do you want a throat punch too, bitch?"

by DeliGameChamp September 23, 2016

20๐Ÿ‘ 8๐Ÿ‘Ž

Jovi punch

To puch some one in the face as hard as you possibly can.Some one you dislike to the max. The most extreame pain as you could possibly inflict

SNL Digital Short punched in the face while eating. Bon Jovi gets punched in the face i.e Jovi punched

by Natalie Burton January 10, 2008

20๐Ÿ‘ 8๐Ÿ‘Ž

Ultimate Punch

The act of punching straight forward with both hands and a foot all at the same time. First seen by the eyes of man when Andy Samberg performed it in the movie Hot Rod.

The Ultimate Punch, however, fails to be ultimate because it can never compete with the Falcon Punch.



Guy 1: (dies)

by damawesome February 19, 2009

20๐Ÿ‘ 8๐Ÿ‘Ž

Camel Punch

An act performed during anal sex. Not to be confused with a 'donkey punch', which is its more civilsed cousin. Whilst relatives, they digress on an important point: whilst an experienced 'donkey punch' practionner will simply hit his girlfriend/boyfriend/sister in the back of the head, before continuing the anal as per usual (albeit with a heightened sense of pleasure), a 'camal punch' involves the continued kicking of the partner in the head after the initial strike, until the partner is, in fact, dead.

Commonly practiced by stella drinkers, Millwall supporters, and members of the Royal Family.

Cell-mate 1: what are you in for?
Practionner: Camel punch
Cell-mate 1: cool

by BenRG17 May 24, 2009

39๐Ÿ‘ 19๐Ÿ‘Ž