To be grabbed by a creature in the water and dragged in.
I was ocean maned by a mosa while flying above the ocean.
A person (usually a dude) that's really, really obsessed with the ocean and water in general. Usually spends half his day at the beach every day.
An Ocean Man will usually walk up to everyday beach goers and rant to them about ocean-related conspiracy theories. This may get him tased/pepper sprayed by the authorities one or two times. Also a popular song by Ween.
if you are a man that likes oceans you're a ocean-man!
'Why are you looking at this ocean?'
'I like them'
'Ah i see you're a ocean-man!'
Slang: an ocean animal. A name meant to depict ocean animals in a cute manner
Person 1: that ocean baby swims really fast!
An ocean steamer is when you go down on a woman and her pussy lips grab a hold of you like an octopus and try sucking you down, disappearing in the Bermuda Triangle
I had a real whale of a time the other day in this bbw. I couldn’t breathe from the ocean steamer.
The best movie in the Ocean's series
I love Ocean's 8! The best Ocean's movie to grace my eyes.