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dicked-her scale

Number of orgasms you gave a your woman during one session of sex.

I scored an 8 on the dicked-her scale last night! Yeah, I gave my girl 8 orgasms when we were having sex!

by JacqueBauer June 18, 2011

3👍 1👎

Attractiveness/[Accessibility] Scale

Hotness: 1-10
Accessibility: 1-10

Take a calculator, add both scores, and divide by two. That is the offical scale for hotties

"Using the Attractiveness/Accessibility scale, Halle Berry is a 10 hotness but 0 access, and the old toothless senile grandma at the rest home is a 0 hotness but if you say you're grandpa she's a 10 accessibility. So Grandma and Halle Berry are the same!"

by Bakkaratorz September 2, 2006

26👍 27👎

Step on the scale, Son

1) A challenge to a physical confrontation
2) An after the fact "in your face"

ex. 1:
-I can drink your bitch ass under the table.
-Yeah? Step on the scale, Son!

ex. 2:
-I just boned Kelly S., Step on the scale, Son!
-I just got the Burning Crusade expansion! Step on the scale, Son!

by Lee Hickman May 27, 2007

4👍 2👎

Cock Gay Scale

The Cock Gay Scale, or CGS, is a measure for how gay something is.

This may be applied as a measure of campness, or as a measure of how bad/undesireable something is following the ironic and non-homophobic use of 'gay' to describe something negative and unrelated to sexuality.

Extensive peer-reviewed research in the UK identifies that Louie Spence (Pineapple Dance Studio) is universally agreed as being 100cg on the official CGS, and as such it has been agreed to define a larger unit of Louie Spence Gay as being equal to 100cg. i.e. 2lsg = 200cg etc.

Further, to be precise about things that do not rank 1cg, the cg unit has been sub-divided into Millicocks Gay, denoted mcg. Centicocks gay was reviewed and whilst defined is not in common usage.

1) Graham Norton (UK Personality) probably clocks in at a 50 to 75 on the Cock Gay Scale.
2) The concert sold out 5 minutes ago, that's 10cg!

by fuckingbrit March 16, 2012

5👍 3👎

Scale of 1-10

1- You’re not attractive

2- You’re not easy to look at but you have maybe around 1 good feature
3- You’re not too hard to look at, but still not considered to be pretty
4- You’re not too bad and you have a few good things about you
5- You’re on the verge of being pretty
6- You’re pretty but not THAT pretty
7- You’re pretty and not someone that someone would be ashamed to be with

8- You’re beautiful and someone others would chase
9- You’re hella pretty and make others envy you


NOTE: Remember your number doesn’t defy you and you’re gorgeous in your own way, these are just on a different scale than what some may prefer. Just remember you’re still beautiful even if a number says otherwise.

What am I on a scale of 1-10?

by Chiccychey February 9, 2019

9👍 6👎

1-10 Scale

1. Normal person
2. Normal person
3. Normal person
4. Normal person
5. Normal person
6. Normal person

7. Normal person
8. Normal person
9. Normal person
10. Perfection/ not actually seen in the wild
12. My Girlfriend <3, past perfection.

"Alexa you are a 12 out of 10 on the 1-10 scale"
"Ray your girlfriend is a 12 out of 10 on the 1-10 scale"

by yarmond February 12, 2019

72👍 109👎

1-10 scale

A scale where 10 is the hottest and 1 is the fugliest

On a 1-10 scale: Damn that' girls ass is a 10 but her face is a 2

by Chick832 September 9, 2016

36👍 54👎