NOT to be confused with drug addict. one level below stoner
someone who uses a certain drug(s) solely to experience the effects/have fun.
whoever uses drugs just when they're friends ask them to or just because they think it's cool are called FAKES.
Me: Hi, my name is Billy, and I smoke marijuana
some idiotic person: you drug addict. drugs are bad you stoner
Me: you're stupid, i'm a RECREATIONAL drug user *shoots him*
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Any form, and I mean ANY form of Dopaminergic stimulant. This includes Phenidates, Cathinones, Tropanes, Amphetamines, and other types of Dopaminergic stimulants such as Modafinil. The first definition was VASTLY incorrect, because it missed much of the definition.
"Damn! This Focalin is some speedy shit! Got me geeked up! No wonder you called it Focaine, and charged me 30 bucks a pop!"
"No wonder everyone gets their speed from you, Joji. This shit is the truth!"
"Mierda, Jorgè! Estos son algunos reales drogas/drugs! Tu velocidad es genial!"
"Jesus Christus, your speed is wonderful!"
"Schisse! Deine Geschwindigkeit ist groΓartig!"
Speed (Drugs/Drogas)
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To know someone in a deeper way, in the way a customer would know a drug dealer. This is not a person who you just say "what's up?" to, but who you know more personally, often knowing with certainty if said person is a drug dealer or not.
This is derived from the Chris Rock movie "Head of State"
I know him, but I don't _drug dealer know_ him
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Courtney Love, Anna Nicole Smith
2 fucked up drugged out bitches
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Dystonic drug reaction causes symptoms such as fast and irregular heart rate, fever, sweating, confusion, and uncontrollable muscle movements of mouth, tongue, cheeks, arms, eyes, or legs.
It is a very alarming side affect to taking a certain medicine. It's a very rare side affect but can happen. The muscle spasms can be very painful and annoying. But it's treatable with medicines like benadryl.
I was taking Geodon for only 3 days and I started to have all the symptoms of dystonic drug reaction. It was so horrible I couldn't control my tongue or close my mouth!
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a classic scam used by police officers to get probable cause for warrantless search and seizure and/or arrest.
First, they ask permission to search your property (for example, a car or backpack). You say no because you have rights. Then they bring a dog around to sniff your property. Regardless of what the dog does, they claim that the dog has detected drugs, explosives, or a body. At that point, you may be under arrest, and anything you have can be seized, and possibly never returned, under Civil Asset Forfeiture laws.
Dude: "Hey did you hear about how Ethel Hylton's life savings and insurance settlement were confiscated at an airport and never returned?"
Guy: "Bullshit."
Dude: "For real, it was a drug dog scam. Google that shit!"
Guy: "Damn, that's fucked up."
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A pharmacist.
What do you want to be when you grow up? "An educated drug dealer"