The DDR Effect adj.: a member of the male gender doing something thought to be totally 'uncool' in absolutely no attempt to get female attention, but yet attracting the eyes of every female in the room. Doing something your 'mates' would laugh and mock you for, but the female gender find quite 'adorable' or 'sweet' and therefore think of you as a sensitive guy and potential suitor.
those kids that are like massively awesome at ddr are the main inspiration for the ddr effect or guys that take their little siblings to a movie to get them out of their parent's hair for a while potray aspects of the ddr effect LOL. guys should totally try this. it's a total chick magnet :P
The phenomenon of a particular champion on the other team getting extremely fed and carrying their team, then having the same champion in your next game be a feeder for your team.
dat xerath went 21/0/616 cuz my tem did knotz buy MR but den i queued wit john then we went 1/23/1, i just got john effected
When your buddie orders a calzone delivered to your house and then you order one within an hour causing the calzone effect to take place
I ordered a calzone because of the calzone effect
Many of us — mostly total strangers — remember the exact same events with the exact same details. However, our memories are different from what’s in history books, newspaper archives, and so on.
This isn’t a conspiracy, and we’re not talking about “false memories.” Many of us speculate that parallel realities exist, and we’ve been “sliding” between them without realizing it.
OMG You remember that too that's probably just the mendela effect
The Westermarck effect, or reverse sexual imprinting, is a hypothetical psychological effect through which people who live in close domestic proximity during the first few years of their lives become desensitized to sexual attraction.
The professor says the Westermarck effect is why incest is taboo.
when someone’s overall vibe/presence seems intimidating at first but then you meet them in person and they’re smol
I met my professor in real life the other day and was so nervous but it was just the joselle effect and she’s actually really tiny
When you watch his gameplay your gaming skills degrades and your iq drops
Man i shouldnt have watched zeldris play league now im inting zeldris effect....