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Final Fantasy XIII

I would call it Final Fantasy XII Lite, but even that label would be far too generous. A complete regression in terms of gameplay design - (no more seamless battle transition with enemies on the field, a dumbed down less in-depth AI system and less control over the party than ever before) - is not something you often see in any gaming series, although Final Fantasy has never been particularly consistent in its quality. Even so, it is as if Square Enix are trying to drag the series down to the bottom of the JRPG barrel. I understand Dragon Quest was getting lonely down there, but this is just embarrassing.

Final Fantasy XIII fanboy: ZOMG its gonna be the best RPG EVAR.

Rational Final Fantasy Fan: What, because it is a complete backstep compared to XII? Or because the visuals are completely underwhelming? Or because the voice acting from the trailers actually sounds atrocious?

by Ivalice-Alliance November 8, 2009

44๐Ÿ‘ 148๐Ÿ‘Ž

Final Fantasy 10

The worst fucking Final Fantasy ever. With the lamest main character, along with Squall, pathetic storyline and ending aswell.


"Dude, shut the fuck up *snaps disc* < Player

by Cloud October 20, 2003

45๐Ÿ‘ 178๐Ÿ‘Ž

final fantasy 9

Not as sucessful as the last two games because:

- Very restrictive and crappy limit break system, which often meant wasting hugely powerful moves on worthless opponents such as goblins, and then not using these moves again for another 50 or so battles
- Treasure items in hidden places in almost every single location your character can be a part of means that most players will feel frustrated at reaching the halfway point of the game and then realise they've failed to complete 60% of the games quests, because they missed a few important items in the first couple of villages (that were beside a girls bed in a random house, for example)
- New, weird races, which had no appeal to anyone and instead made the game feel surreal and alienated
- Cocky shit of a main character who you will feel the need to murder at several stages in the game
- The fact most new locations are destroyed a couple of minutes after you've left them, leaving you at the end of the game with fuck all to re-visit
- Un-customisable and straight forward character development, leaving almost no choices at all open to the player in how each character is improved, apart from choosing their equipment
- After acquiring all the games playable characters into your party, you feel as if you're travelling with a bunch of misfits, not a group of heroes who want to save the world
- Confusing, fickle and somewhat pointless storyline
- Lack of a "do what you like before the end boss" part of the game, like in FF7 with the airship
- Lack of massively powerful opponents, like the WEAPONs in FF7 and the hidden GF's in FF8
- That depressing feeling that this game has been aimed at the "younger audience"
- Slow and clumsy battle animation
- Shit summoning attacks
- No real excitement in the storyline and little information about the game's other characters
- Somewhat lack of seriousness that the other two games had, and instead has been replaced by a wizard candy-house ye-olde-medieavel world
- Frankly shit end sequence
- And to top it off, the slow realisation that this is probably the best game Square is going to produce in a long time, this confirmed when playing FF10
- Bad game music

Final Fantasy 9 was disappointing.

by OiOiBoy June 20, 2006

56๐Ÿ‘ 243๐Ÿ‘Ž

final fantasy X1

the worst mmo ever, period.

wow,why does this game suck? OH! i'm playing final fantasy X1

by keifster July 1, 2006

6๐Ÿ‘ 20๐Ÿ‘Ž

christmas tree final

When your grade for a class is right in the middle of two letter grades, so your final grade isn't going to move you up or down a letter grade, so you just draw a christmas tree on the scantron.

Joe: "Did you study for the math final?"
You: "No I have an 85 in math so it's just a Christmas tree final.'

by barbq ur mom December 16, 2015

1๐Ÿ‘ 1๐Ÿ‘Ž

2021 NBA Finals

Rigged and that ring didn't count :(((

Alex: Giannis won the 2021 NBA finals
Steve: It didn't count

Alex: "shoots Steve"

by YourAnAcuteOne October 13, 2021

1๐Ÿ‘ 2๐Ÿ‘Ž

Not my final form

When a internet spammer or a annoying person in real life dosent stop and is not done with annoying you/ spamming and is ready to go the extreme god damn level

Jim: you suck at Black ops, you do t know how to play

Jack: stop, leave me alone

Jim: this is not my final form

by Woodslasher_oof November 18, 2017

2๐Ÿ‘ 5๐Ÿ‘Ž