-cats eat better than they do -calls cats their children -refuses to move if a cat is sleeping even remotely close to them -lowkey despises dog people -feeds stray cats even though they know they shouldn't
dog person: cats are literally the spawn of satan what is wrong with you?
cat person: go away you cum guzzling twat.
2👍 2👎
Someone who, in every aspect, conforms to the majority of people in their country. If the majority of people in their country have black hair, so do they. If the majority enjoy rock music, so do they. Basically, odds are you know at least one, unless you live in a statistic-ruining place, like a wacky college or some kind of commune.
Take me, for example. I'm a white male who voted for Obama. I have brown eyes and black hair. I'm of average height and weight, enjoy football, and have a desk job. I live in IL, in the United States. (pretty average state if you ask me). When I get out of college, I want to be a teacher. I even honestly enjoyed Owl City's Fireflies, and before that I liked Kanye, and before that I fell in love with 50 cent. (the majority of rap fans are white) I'm a majority person.
Someone whose tired of seeing people post the meaning of their names on snapchat
I'm such an annoyed person because I keep seeing people post their names on snapchat that don't correlate to their actual personality.
a person who doesn't randomly define names on some website so their name gets popular and a person who doesn't have the brain of a walnut.
Tom: Are you a person with sense?
Jack: Yes.
Tom: Who should rule the world?
Jack: Me, obviously!
Tom: Get out of my house.
A teenager who appeared on George Not Found's stream with Wilbur Soot. Blur Person was wearing a merch of the popular band "Blur" with the milk carton from their song "Blur: Coffee & TV" at the time and therefore reffered was to as "Blur Person."
Did you see Blur Person on George's stream yesterday?
a destination for the genetic effluent discharged by the male. be it another human, a container, a cloth, OR the atmosphere!!; a designated 'container' for containment/encapsulation/envelopment/collection/OR absorption and/or 'processing' of the sperm.
that jenkins babe is firecracker HOT!! -YEAH!! too bad shes' dave's personal spittoon!!
i need to 'spit'!! where is my personal spittoon??
chamber pots are no longer used, not true for the personal spittoon!!
A special person / lover / victim
Omg Jose is the purple person because Tina Was Smashing him!