First you eat a banana, then you take the peal, grab the connected end, and slap someone with the separated end. 3 or more ends will suffice in causing enough pain and hilarity. When you banana slap someone, you must yell, "banana slap!" This is only necessary for the complete experience.
*eats banana*
*grabs end*
*yells, "banana slap!"*
*runs away if necessary*
the most badass way to play the bass guitar.
Flea plays slap bass. OOOOOH YEAHHHHH!
The act of slapping, and then firmly grabbing a girl's butt. Could possibly be used humorously with other objects.
Term coined by K-Tuck.
I'd like to give Ms. Anna a nice slap-grab.
a shit-for-brains who doesn't know his ass from a hole in the ground.
Rob is such a slap dick. He pissed all over his roommates key board last night.
The best possible way to get better at boxing without hurting yourself and your partner.
The Cubans are the best boxers in the world -- THE BEST and if you go to Cuba to see them train what do you see? Nothing but hours and hours of slap boxing; they're having fun.
A light slap that that your wife or girlfreind gives you when you say somthing stupid it is usually followed by the Look
Turk: cans I order a stripper for my room
Carla:W-slap now what do you think