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To bring back foreskin, often a painful procedure that, and, is like half the reason guys get circumcised}

"im going to peal Cain" "OH GOD DAMMIT JINRI, WHY?"

by SpyroThePony November 9, 2015

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Peale is a commonly given middle name to those of pure and utter coolness. Often given to royalty and important people.

Jennifer: What's your middle name?

Adam: Peale

Jeniffer: No way! You're one of those? I never thought I'd ever meet one in my lifetime. Can you sign my body?


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peal out

When a car tire burns rubber and makes a screeching sound during startup (when the car is motionless). Normally this is done to get a faster start in a race.

Not the same as peel out

Do you know how to peal out?
Yeah, rev the engine and drop the clutch.

by valoem February 9, 2005

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cap pealed

the act of being shot

If you try and rob me, you will get your cap pealed.

by Marc Bryant August 31, 2006

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Seal and Peal

1. The act of ejaculating a small bead of jizz between your partners or friends face and pillow as they sleep. When awakened the pillow will slightly adhear to their face, forcing them to peal it off.

2. a way to teach a bitch a lesson while making her think its just her own drool.

Jenny fell asleep early so I laid down a seal and peal.

by Your childs father. February 28, 2010

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ass pealing

A term used to describe the act off making a excess amount of money on a car sale

The sales manager told Hector You'll be ass pealing on this deal. You better peal thier ass off the ceiling and make them like it, or You'll be leaving with them. He wrapped up the deal and had a real head ripper!

by Freckman February 2, 2007

Banana Peal

When a girl that has braces gives a guy a blowjob, and her braces cut up the guys dick, then you can peel the skin off like a banana peel.

Last night Stacy gave me a fucking banana peal last night, that hurt!

by haaaaaaaaapep January 25, 2010

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