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Sweet Pumps

The sex appeal that one gives off, the more you have, it becomes sweet pumps. It's the sex they want from you.

Guy 1: Dude, that chick was lookin' at you...

Guy 2: Yeah she totally wants my Sweet Pumps...

by Diego the Mook March 5, 2008

sweet side

Someone ( typically someone with a more stern outlook on life )'s sweeter side, this may be referring to just a nicer side of the person, or having a crush on someone,

"Have you seen Person A's sweet side? I noticed them showing that side of them a few days ago!"

by MoonlitStarr November 10, 2017

Trouser Sweets

Male genatalia, perhaps as described by females when referring to oral sex

a girl says to her boyfriend (offering him oral sex):
have you got any trouser sweets for me?

by stacey love February 25, 2010


word meaning awesome or sweet.
a cross between sweet and fantastic.

That milkshake was sweet-tastic.

by ilynickjonasx May 18, 2008

sweet bod

nail cigarette song

Person 1: sweet bod
Person 2: null resurrect😨

by human i think January 8, 2023

sweet presence

having a cute, welcoming, and warming vibe

omg she has such a sweet presence!!
(my presence sweet and my aura bright -ariana grande)

by Lustressa January 10, 2021

sweet dunks

some nice ass kicks, or shoes

"Yo!! Check out that kids Bapes!"
"Yup those are some sweet dunks!"

by daniee March 5, 2008