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too fucking bad

The response to anyone's complaints. (Skype friends, etc.)

Oh, you're bored? Too fucking bad.

by GeneticWyvern May 27, 2014

17πŸ‘ 7πŸ‘Ž

Too Much Time

Often shortened to T.M.T. Scream phrase used by two individuals upon suggesting the same activity because of near-homosexual familiarity with each other (or spending too much time together).

Simultaneous usage often triggers the following sequence:
'Get out of my head!'
High five
Both participants roll on the floor kicking their legs in the air and making baby noises

'So. What shall we do?'
'Smoke a shisha?'

Person A & Person B: Addict.
A: Too Much Time!
B: Too Much Time!
A: Get out of my head!
B: No.

by Colphen September 21, 2007

15πŸ‘ 8πŸ‘Ž

A bridge too far

This basically is a synonym for β€œa long shot”, or an overly ambitious plan.

The story behind it is that during WWII in 1944, the Allies came up with a plan (Operation Market Garden) to use paratroopers to secure three bridges over three key rivers behind enemy lines in The Netherlands. British forces would then rush forward across all three bridges to relieve the paratroopers, and later push into Germany itself.

It was an extremely ambitious plan. A British commander is alleged to have said β€œI think we may be going a bridge too far”, and he was right. The American airborne divisions were able to capture the first two bridges, and were relieved. But the British and Polish paratroopers at the third and final bridge at Arnhem were basically wiped out before tanks of the Irish Guards could punch through to reach them. Market Garden was an operational failure.

Person 1: β€œI’m going to try to finish the essay the morning it’s due.”
Person 2: β€œI think that’s a bridge too far buddy...”

β€œI think we may be going a bridge too far.”
β€” Lieutenant-General Frederick Browning

by A solid cube of tungsten October 29, 2018

31πŸ‘ 18πŸ‘Ž

trying too hard

adj: Used by women to describe men that behave appropriately and exhibit all of the qualities they desire. Purpose is to veto potential sex candidates and prove that women can't accept positive attention. Undisputed proof that women don't know what they fucking want, but are pretty certain that they prefer being treated like shit.

Woman1: Reggie maintained a witty and intelligent conversation with me, took me out to a nice dinner, paid for everything, didn't try to get me drunk, and didn't take advantage of me when I passed out on his couch. I've been screening his phone calls all day because he was trying too hard.

Woman2: My boyfriend hits me during sex and not during sex.

Woman1: Lucky.

by Rockstar Noah October 28, 2007

128πŸ‘ 100πŸ‘Ž

too cool for the room

When someone acts like they're all that, usually kicking back and not participating in anything that's going on.

Yeah, he thought he was too cool for the room, but he really wasn't.

by claire o'smiley December 25, 2006

17πŸ‘ 9πŸ‘Ž

too cool for school


Ciaran-β€œyou seen Charles’ new instagram post”
George-β€œyeah, he is too cool for school

by Zwest47 May 29, 2021

9πŸ‘ 4πŸ‘Ž

too much thongformation

describes an unattractive visible thong. as in too much information.

"shawna pull up those lowriders, i'm getting way too much thongformation."

by mo-a February 8, 2005

18πŸ‘ 10πŸ‘Ž